
Procrastination is something that everyone has done. Maybe you're procrastinating right now, in which case, you should probably get back to what you were doing. And then come back, of course. 

For those of you who don't know what procrastinating is, I would define it as diverting from doing something you have to do to doing something you want to do. 

It's much more productive to do something now and then have fun later, than have fun now and suffer later. I'm sure I'm not the only one who surrenders to the beaming glow of social media. As Troye Sivan once said, "I have so much to do, therefore I'm going to lie on the floor for a very, very long time." Procrastination is a flaw of human existence but sometimes we just need that extra ten minutes to scroll through Tumblr.

I am definitely not one handles stressful situations well. I am not the kind of person that works well when I know that something needs to be completely by the following day. I usually have things done early, so I can check over them and stuff like that. Procrastination, like many, is something I fall victim to. I rationalise why I need to procrastinate and why organising that thing can wait. You go from the inability to become motivated to do anything productive, to frantically working at the last minute. 

One of the reasons I think procrastination is so prominent among youth is because of the unreasonable work load students have these days. There is no denying that the amount of work students do has increased in the past 50 years. Since there is a higher work load and greater expectation on student, there is an increase in stress. When I find myself procrastinating, it's usually when I'm stressed. I some how seem to curl up into a little anti-social ball of laziness.

Hope you all enjoyed this and could relate to it in some way. Sorry for not keeping up with posting, I know, I'm naughty. I'll try to keep up. 

Perfectly Unkept


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