I need you; a call for your mental health story

Life Gems is the name of a new page I want to create where anyone can share experiences they've had with, but not limited to, mental illness. Gems pulled from life, as it were.

With that being said, I need YOU! I believe everyone has a story and it's important for everyone to contribute their opinion because everyone has something unique to say. I want to start an important conversation in a safe space because I don't believe it's talked about enough.

There are still so many misconceptions about mental health. By establishing a page such as this, I hope I can educate people about something that is so common, yet misunderstood.

This is not just about struggle. Dealing with mental illnesses is hard. But, we are strong. This page details how we cope and overcome. How we learn and pull light, even the smallest ounce, from hardship. I want to acknowledge the difficulties of dealing with mental illnesses. I believe that acceptance and respect towards ourselves and others is the first step to moving forward. But, I want to create a positive space where we converse and empower each other.

So, how does one share their story? If you would like to share your story, email me at the address; millersinquiries@gmail.com. Mental health stories of any kind will be accepted; depression, OCD, ADHD, personality disorders, ANYTHING. I'd love to know how you care for yourself, what your experience with mental health has taught you. Basically, anything pertaining to mental health. I would just like to ask that if you would like to send your story in, please try to keep it to 500 words or less. I will also share my story to begin the conversation.

I understand how hard it can be to share such intimate and personal details about your life and experiences. It takes a lot of bravery to make yourself vulnerable. So, if you still want to share your story, but don't want to be identified, you can ask to remain anonymous. It is totally okay.

I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

- Miller
