No one can deny that life these days can be a hectic struggle sometimes. The word "busy" seems to encompass how I think modern day life can tend to be. We always seem to be on the go and completing something for ourselves or someone else.
People always appear to be doing something. Even if it's something that isn't too mentally taxing, we don't seem to be able to just sit down and do something as simple as think. Usually if we aren't doing work or listening to someone else or tending to children or whatever you may be doing that requires a bit of effort, we consume ourselves with devices. I am among many who are victim to this device craze. I spend far too much time on my laptop and although I do find myself quite busy often, when I am finished for the day I will resort to my laptop and scroll through the abyss of the internet.
It might not be a matter of not wanting to stop, but not knowing how. Maybe we have lost touch with taking time for ourselves. Maybe we are unaware that tending to our passions and doing what we love is key to being happier. Always being on the go can make us feel sad in a way. We have so much to organise in our head, we put our own passions and interests closer to the bottom of the list. Surely it isn't healthy to have a crazy load at work and then come home with more to do. There are always going to be circumstances that may prevent you from taking time for yourself, but adjusting where we position time for us may make us happier people. Maybe instead of watching T.V at night you could read a book, or listen to your favourite music, or journalise your daily adventures, or invest time into your PASSION. I believe it's extremely important to tend to your passion. Knowing what you love could be the key to being a happier person.
Even from a young age we instill in children that it's important to know how to prioritise, especially as you move through your secondary and tertiary education it becomes increasingly difficult to do things from yourself. Knowing how to prioritise is extremely important and I feel it's something that should be more widely discussed in schools. Kids who come in to high school don't know how to time manage or prioritise and it should be up to the teachers to guide their students with management of homework. Not having the skills to manage work can leave the adolescent mind in a jumbled mess.
Although being busy has been an increasing issue over the years, it is something that can be managed. We can learn from ourselves and others that it is okay to not be on the go all the time and that tending to yourself is just as important as tending to others.
I hope I have made you think today and I hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed this first 'actual' post. Not all my posts will be this long. I may elaborate on things that I have touched on in this post in the future, so stay tuned!
See ya round
Perfectly Unkept
People always appear to be doing something. Even if it's something that isn't too mentally taxing, we don't seem to be able to just sit down and do something as simple as think. Usually if we aren't doing work or listening to someone else or tending to children or whatever you may be doing that requires a bit of effort, we consume ourselves with devices. I am among many who are victim to this device craze. I spend far too much time on my laptop and although I do find myself quite busy often, when I am finished for the day I will resort to my laptop and scroll through the abyss of the internet.
It might not be a matter of not wanting to stop, but not knowing how. Maybe we have lost touch with taking time for ourselves. Maybe we are unaware that tending to our passions and doing what we love is key to being happier. Always being on the go can make us feel sad in a way. We have so much to organise in our head, we put our own passions and interests closer to the bottom of the list. Surely it isn't healthy to have a crazy load at work and then come home with more to do. There are always going to be circumstances that may prevent you from taking time for yourself, but adjusting where we position time for us may make us happier people. Maybe instead of watching T.V at night you could read a book, or listen to your favourite music, or journalise your daily adventures, or invest time into your PASSION. I believe it's extremely important to tend to your passion. Knowing what you love could be the key to being a happier person.
Even from a young age we instill in children that it's important to know how to prioritise, especially as you move through your secondary and tertiary education it becomes increasingly difficult to do things from yourself. Knowing how to prioritise is extremely important and I feel it's something that should be more widely discussed in schools. Kids who come in to high school don't know how to time manage or prioritise and it should be up to the teachers to guide their students with management of homework. Not having the skills to manage work can leave the adolescent mind in a jumbled mess.
Although being busy has been an increasing issue over the years, it is something that can be managed. We can learn from ourselves and others that it is okay to not be on the go all the time and that tending to yourself is just as important as tending to others.
I hope I have made you think today and I hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed this first 'actual' post. Not all my posts will be this long. I may elaborate on things that I have touched on in this post in the future, so stay tuned!
See ya round
Perfectly Unkept
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