Blue Ball Machine

This is going to be real short and sweet.

I was roaming around the internet, as I am known to do, and stumbled across this website called "The Useless Web". Basically it's a collection of useless websites, as stated in the title. I thought this website was funky, interesting and fun. It momentarily cured my bordem, flicking through the plethora of uselessness.

I kept clicking and clicking until a maze of tiny blue balls popped up in a new tab. It was actually pretty cool. Although not interactive, it's fun to look at. It's kinda pointless as well. Focus on one ball and watch it roll between contraptions until it falls to its inevitable obliteration at the bottom of the page.

And here I am again wasting precious minutes of my life.

See it for yourself: 

Useless web:

Short, sweet, mid-week post. You're welcome.

Perfectly Unkept
