2016; a retrospective look

I think we can all agree that 2016 was the epitome of a figurative roller coaster ride, except without many ups. Everyone had a general dislike for this year, quite fairly I would say. It's like no one has escaped 2016 unscathed.

As we reach the end of the year, we tend to reflect. We celebrate our victories and mourn our losses. Before I start trying to organise my mess of a life, I want to reflect on my year. So, here is a retrospective look at my 2016.

For me, this year has been the hardest year of my life. My entire world was turned upside down when my health started to deteriorate when hospital became home when pain was all I knew. Sadly, this reality is still true to a certain extent. My five-month-hospital-stay is thankfully over but, the pain and disability seem to have no end.

This year forced me to do things I never thought I was capable of doing. I was forced to question my beliefs and values and do things that I really didn't want to do. I was forced to extend myself past my comfort zone and gain insight into aspects of myself and the world around me, that I otherwise wouldn't have known.

2016 taught me how diverse and complex health and disability truly are. I met so many amazing people from incredible backgrounds, all labelled with different diagnoses. There is always more to something than meets the eye.

2016 taught me how precious your body and life are. Everything you know can change within seconds. Never take your body for granted and always live life to the fullest.

2016 taught me that hardest things are worth fighting for. Generally, if something is easy it's not worth doing. Long-term fulfilment comes from hard work.

2016 taught me to be more accepting and empathetic. My recently-gained-life-insight has helped me relate to and empathise with a wider range of people.

2016 taught me the true value of family and friends. I realised how many people I have around me that actually care, and that is something special. I've learnt who my real friends are and why those bonds are worth preserving.

2016 taught me to fake it 'til you feel it. Dealing with things like depression and anxiety, I have been robbed of feeling certain things. It's hard to feel when you're numb, but sometimes you must keep telling yourself the same thing until you believe it.

2016 taught me that caring for yourself is just as important (if not more so) as caring for others. If you can't look after yourself, you probably won't be able to look after anyone else.

And finally, 2016 taught me to never give up. As George Harrison once said; all things must pass. Nothing stays the same. It is so hard to keep going but sometimes you have to ask yourself; what other option is there?

Tomorrow I'm going to post my goals for 2017, what I want out of the year. 2016 was so hard, and I'm still learning. I know my journey is far from over. Getting well again will be extremely tough and painful, but in the end, it will all be worth it.

I hope you all had a wonderful new year and your 2017 is off to a good start. Let me know about your goals and aspirations for 2017 and how 2016 treated you.

Peace out

