Random Questions Generator

This post is an idea I borrowed from a blog called An Ocean Glimmer, which you can find here. When I saw this I thought, 'I have to do this'. I really enjoyed reading posts similar to this too. It's a fun and creative way to do a q and a. I tried to select the most interesting or thought-provoking questions rather than the first that appear. Some of the questions are quite intriguing and others are a bit more fun. Maybe you'll learn more about me. Maybe this will make you think. Maybe you could answer the questions yourself. Let's get to it!

1. If you know you only had 24 hours left to live, what would you do?

I would awaken early and head to the nearest beach to witness the sunrise. I'd drink a tropical mango smoothie at said beach and blast my favourite tunes simultaneously. I'd muse and reflect. Hopefully, I'd be able to have a swim too. I'd gather my family and friends to spend my final evening with them all. It would be a sad day, but a good way to spend my last 24 hours. I wouldn't want to do all the adrenaline-pumping activities, I'd just want to be doing something simple and peaceful, with people that I love. Maybe it would be a good idea to do something like this before I'm told I only have 24 hours to live.

2. If you were asked to teach a class, what would you teach?

English or another language. I love all language and sharing that with others would be something I'd thoroughly enjoy. I can teach pretty well too. I explain something and they seem to understand, so I must be heading in this right direction. If I were to teach English, I'd like to teach literature or writing. Although I personally find arbitrary things like grammar interesting, it wouldn't be that fun to teach. So yes, English

3. If you could give one piece of advice to the whole world, what would it be?

I heard a quote from an amazing girl called Em Carey that reads; this too shall pass. I strongly believe in this quote because as George Harrison once said; all things must pass. Nothing is forever. The rocks that make up the ground we stand on will experience change over time and so will whatever is happening in your life. I've found solace in this quote over the past year. It reminded me that nothing will remain the same forever. That means that the crap you're stuck in right now, will one day fade and you will adapt to whatever your new situation will be. Of course, it's not as simple as that, it's hard to predict what the future brings and that can be scary. Especially when your life is in an unpredictable place. But I do believe that if you work hard and truly believe that you deserve a life lived to the fullest, then you will get through.

4. What would you do differently if you could relive the past year?

This question made me think really hard. The past year for me has been the hardest of my life and it would have been great if I learnt the things I learnt by other means, but I regret nothing. Having said that, I never want to relive last year, EVER. But, if I had to change one thing, I would want to be more open to trying new things that could possibly cause me pain or discomfort, both physically and mentally. I was always reluctant to lean into pain, even though I knew that physically there was nothing wrong and it would benefit me in the long run. I'd always put 100% effort in at therapy, but there was always that little voice in my brain saying "This is going to hurt a lot. How are you going to handle it?" Someone told me once that anxiety is, "an overestimation of danger and an underestimation of your ability to cope," and I think this was true for me a lot of the time. Sometimes it was just a matter of proving to myself that I could.

5. What motivates you?

That's a tough one because if I'm being really honest, motivation is relatively sparse in my life right now. But, what I say to myself when I don't want to do something, that will help me, is; what other option is there? If I decide to stay in bed and do nothing, life will bury me in its' duties and thoughts until I can handle it no longer. Sometimes you just have to keep going, even if you're running blind. The other option is to stay where you are for the rest of your days and do nothing that challenges you. I believe that it doesn't matter what motivates you, as long as there is something there to motivate you, then that's all that counts.

6. Do you like to sing out loud when no one else is around?

Yes, who doesn't? When no one's at home, I blast my favourite tunes and pretend that I can sing them really well. My shower hasn't ousted me yet.

7. Are you an outdoor or an indoor person?

A bit of both, depending on how I'm feeling. Writing or being creative in a natural or outside environment can assist my flow and be more cathartic than writing inside. There's something about fresh air and nature that can add to my creative flair.

8. What is your biggest pet peeve?

I really hate seeing people lick their fingers during a meal. It just grosses me out a bit.

9. What quality about yourself do you value the most?

I chose this question on purpose because I think a lot of people, including myself, find it hard to appreciate the good in them. There are great qualities in everyone, it's just a matter of finding them and learning to appreciate them and believing it. I am far from fully appreciating and loving myself, but I've already begun the journey, so I have to keep going now. I've always found it hard to appreciate my good qualities, but if I had to choose one, it would be that I am an empathetic person. I've always felt like I can relate to people on quite a deep level, but over the past 18 months, I feel my capacity for empathy has grown exponentially. I think it's important to be able to relate to others and get a gauge as to what they are feeling.

10. What is your favourite condiment?

I love myself a good aioli. A nice creamy aioli that, for me, goes on most of my food; salads, chips, potatoes. Also, tomato sauce is pretty great. Mainly on most things deep fried, like chips or hot dogs.

So, those are ten questions from the random question generator. Feel free to answer any of these questions yourself in the comments! Or you could ask me some more qs. Tell me what you think.

- Miller
