Two years on...

Well, here we are, two years on. I don’t believe I’ll be able to sufficiently sum up the last two years in the entirety of a blog post, but here goes. I don’t want to make this too long or soppy, but it would be juvenile not to acknowledge this day as momentous.

Exactly two years ago, I fell off a skateboard, which unbeknownst to me would thrust me into a whirlwind of life-changing experiences.

It has been hard, really hard. I don’t think ‘hard’ adequately describes this experience. But I’ve reached a point where I am on the uphill; I can envisage a future of my own normality. One day, I will walk again. I’ve connected with a plethora of people, from all walks of life. Some that I’ve lost and some that will remain with me forever. I’m eternally grateful and privileged to have the support system that I have. From my therapy team, to my family and friends.

It’s not over yet. I’m still to begin walking independently and connecting with others without having to consider if somewhere is ‘wheelchair friendly’. It would be a fallacy to not admit that I do still struggle sometimes, but that’s okay. I’ll never know the life I could have had, but I feel so enriched as a person with knowledge of life and empathy. I hope to, now and in the future, extend my hand of compassion and use my experience to help others.

If I can share one thing about what I’ve learnt over the past two years is the importance of self-care. It is imperative to look after yourself, whatever that means for you. It’s okay to sit back for a couple of days, even a couple of hours to partake in activities that ignite your internal fire. Continuing to push when your battery is running low puts your body under immense stress. I’m sure stress and not taking a break occasionally, has impacted on the severity of my condition. Coincidentally, it is mental health week this week, which is an issue close to my heart. I wish to echo this through the streets; there is no shame in caring for yourself and asking for help.

No support has gone unnoticed. Thank you.

If you want to learn more about my condition, here are a couple of links; Info More info
